Statutes of The European Federation of Addiction Societies

(Status: Oct. 2017)

1.Name and Purpose

1.1 Under the name European Federation of Addiction Societies (hereafter called the “Federation”) there exists an Association of National and European societies involved in addiction prevention, care and research.

1.2 The purpose of the Federation is to promote education and the attainment of the highest level of knowledge and understanding in the field of Addiction in all European countries in so far as such activities shall be wholly non-profit and charitable making in nature. Addiction disorders comprise all disorders related to the use of psychoactive substances and non-substance-related disorders (such as gambling and gaming).

1.3 To that end but without restricting the foregoing main object of the Federation and in so far as the same shall be wholly charitable, the Federation intends: 

1.4 To foster and encourage interdisciplinary scientific research, investigation and demonstration in the field of addiction and related disorders.

1.5 To improve the quality of instruction in the professions dealing with these disorders.

1.6 To supply information to, to operate with and to advise through its committees, any society institution interested in these problems.

1.7 To establish and maintain an efficient strategic partnership with the European Commission, other international and national learned societies, governmental organisations, professional associations and other groups, societies, institutions and individuals who contribute to progress in the field of addiction and related disorders.


The means of attaining these ends shall consist more particularly of:

2.1 Organising or co-organising one Congress of Addiction Research per year in one of the countries represented in the membership of the Federation.

2.2 Appointing special Committees, groups or individuals for the purpose of studying all problems related to the aims of the Federation.

2.3 Fostering and facilitating in all countries the proper methods of study and means for action, of meeting and of exchange of ideas, concerning progress attained in the field of Addiction.

2.4 Disseminating information through journals, books and electronic media.

2.5 Making known its activities as well as those of Congresses and national or regional meetings and those of its Committees by all appropriate means and, in particular, through the medium of its official publications.

2.6 Collaborating with other institutions in so far as they endeavour to improve human health in the field of addiction and related disorders.


3.1 The Federation is an association composed of National or European Societies (or addiction sections of professional societies) relating to the field of addiction and related disorders research. Member Societies other than charter members shall be those Societies whose applications for membership have been accepted by majority vote of the Executive Committee. 

3.2 To permit participation in the Federation by qualified individuals residing in a country without a National Society of addiction and related disorders research to be registered in the Federation, these may be represented by a neighbouring state whose society (or section) is a member of EUFAS.

3.3 Application for Society membership must be made in writing to the President and be accompanied by a list of the current officers and members of the Society or Section and by a copy of its statutes.


4.1 The Federation has the following executive bodies

  • The General Assembly

  • The Executive Committee

  • The Auditors

  • The International Advisory Board

4.2 The General Assembly

4.2.1 The General Assembly is composed of the delegates of the member societies and sections and of the current Executive Committee. The President of the Federation is the Chairman of the General Assembly.

4.2.2 When a Member Society or Section cannot be represented in the Assembly by its full quota of Delegates, the Delegate(s) present may cast more than one vote, providing permission has been requested in writing to the Secretary and approval granted by the Executive Committee. Similarly, if circumstances prevent of any Delegate from a Member Society, a Delegate from another Society upon prior written request to the Secretary and approval by the Executive Committee may cast their votes. 

4.2.3 The ordinary General Assembly is held annually at the place and date fixed for the session of alternating member society’s national congresses. 

4.2.4 The General Assembly shall be convened by the President. Notice shall be given at least 20 days prior to the meeting in writing stating the agenda.

4.2.5 Extraordinary meetings shall be called according to necessity or if so requested in writing by at least 20% of the members stating the purpose of such meeting.

4.2.6 There is a quorum of the General Assembly if 20 % of the total of the Member Societies is present.

4.2.7 The voting power of the Member Societies is as follows:

10 – 50 members: 1 vote

51 – 100 members: 2 votes

101 or more members: 3 votes

If the quorum is not reached during the annual General Assembly, an additional extraordinary General Assembly shall be organised with the same agenda. For this GA no quorum is required and decisions will be made following the guidelines as formulated in § 4.2.12. 

4.2.8 The General Assembly elects the President, the first Vice-President, the second Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The candidates are initially nominated by the Nomination Committee.

4.2.9 The General Assembly approves the accounts and decides on the use of the financial result.

4.2.10 The General Assembly determines the membership dues pursuant to Article 12.

4.2.11 The General Assembly passes resolutions and carries out elections, to the extent this Statutes or the law do not provide otherwise with the absolute majority of the votes cast. A two-thirds majority of the votes represented is required, for the amendment of the Statutes, for amalgamation or dissolution of the Federation. If the votes are equal, the Chairman shall have the deciding vote.

4.3 The Executive Committee

4.3.1 The Executive Committee is composed of the President, immediate Past-President, the first Vice-President, the second Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the and a maximum of four officers without official portfolio. 

4.3.2 The Executive Committee may hold meetings at any time and in any place, which may be convenient to its members. It shall have full power to formulate by-laws not in conflict with the Statutes, subject to ratification by the General Assembly.

4.3.3 There is a quorum of the Executive Committee if the President and three other members, totaling at least four members, are present.

4.3.4 Each member (including the President) of the Executive Committee has one vote. The Executive Committee passes resolutions, to the extent the law or the Statutes do not provide otherwise with the absolute majority of the members present. 

4.4 The Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is composed of individual members with an outstanding record in addiction research and/or treatment. They are suggested and appointed by the Executive Committee. 

The term of office will be five years. EUFAS aims at about 15 members of the Advisory Board.

The Auditors

The Auditors shall audit the books and records. The Auditors shall prepare a report addressed to the Executive Committee, which in turn presents such report to the General Assembly.

5.Terms of Office

5.1 Past Presidents are entitled Honorary Presidents without term. They can participate in meetings of the Executive Committee as guest without a right to vote. Only the immediate Past President is an Executive Officer of the Federation. In the event of the prolonged incapacity or death of the President, the First Vice-President assumes his office and duties for the remainder of the fiscal period.

5.2 The term of office of the President, the first Vice-President, the second Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the other officers is two years. President and first Vice President are eligible for one re-election, the other officers may be re-elected several times.

5.3 Each delegate is appointed by his Member Society to represent his group in the affairs of the General Assembly. In the absence of a Delegate from the meeting of the General Assembly, an alternate shall be appointed by the Member Society Section for the duration of the meeting. The name of the Delegate shall be forwarded on his appointment and annually thereafter to the Secretary of the Federation. 

6.Fiscal Period

The fiscal period is a two year’s period. It defines the term of the Executive Committee and of its members and all Special Commissions and Committees.

7.Special Commissions

The Executive Committee or the General Assembly my set up Special Commissions (“Task forces”), each to develop a special task for a specific period of time. As many members as required to complete the task will be appointed to each Special Commission and one member will be designated as Chairman.

8. Nomination Committee

8.1 Not less than one year before the end of the fiscal period, the Executive Committee shall elect three delegates to serve as a Nomination Committee under the chairmanship of the immediate Past President.

8.2 This Nomination Committee shall invite nominations from the members of the General Assembly who may each consult with their parent Society for the offices of President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer of the Federation. The Executive Committee may decide the number of candidates to be nominated for each of the four and up to four additional Officer posts. Having ascertained the willingness of the candidates to serve and following approval of the nominations by the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the Nomination Committee shall submit their names to the vote of the General Assembly. The Secretary shall supervise the ballot in the Assembly and record the results.

9. Congresses

9.1 An Organisation Committee of the annual meeting shall be set up for the purpose of organising all aspects of the next annual meeting.

9.2 This Committee shall be formed initially from four appointees by the National Society in charge of the Congress who shall act as Convenor, Secretary and Treasurer of the Congress. The President of the Federation has the option of being Chairman of the Organisation Committee.

10. Constitution and Special Committees

Special Committees may be appointed by the President of the Federation and ratified by the Executive Committee. A Special Committee may act through representatives duly appointed. The Chairmen of the Special Committee are directly linked to the Executive Committee. The other members of the Special Committees, as well as the Chairmen, are members of the General Assembly.

11. Languages

The official language of the Federation shall be English.

12. Finances

12.1 For the accomplishment of its purpose the Federation disposes of contributions of third parties. 

12.2 For all obligations of the Federation only the Federation’s property is liable. Any personal liability of the members is excluded.

12.3 Each Member Society shall pay to the Federation an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be determined by the General Assembly. The amount of such subscription shall be payable in advance to the Treasurer until the last day of March. Upon suggestion by the Executive Committee the General Assembly can waive membership fees for a limited number of years.

12.4 The Executive Committee shall determine all matters of finance, such as the site of the Treasury and the making of grants and loans.

12.5 No portion of the assets of the Federation shall be paid, directly or indirectly, to any Member Society or Officer of the Federation, except for reasonable payment for services actually rendered or repayment of expenses incurred in the interests of the Federation.

12.6 The Treasurer shall keep proper books and records of account.

13. Dissolution of Federation

13.1 The Federation may be dissolved or may be amalgamated with another body having similar objects on the proposal of the Executive Committee ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Assembly.

13.2 In the event of its dissolution the assets of the Federation may not be divided among its members and shall be transferred to another international charitable body or bodies of like interests.

13.3 In the event of annulment of cessation of its present purpose, the assets of the Federation may not be distributed among its members but shall be assigned to another international charitable body or bodies or like interests, which must use the assets exceptionally and directly for welfare purposes. 

13.4 In the event of dissolution of the Federation the members are not entitled to the Federation’s assets.

14. Final Provisions

The original Constitution was approved by the inauguration Meeting of the Federation in Paris, September 15th, 2010. In the name and with proxy of the Founders: Prof. Karl Mann, MD.